My Planner Last Month, September

October 03, 2017

My Planner Last Month, September

Since I decided to join the #onebookjuly challenge, be it in a somewhat adapted format, I've been in my B6 slim planner with all my personal planning and journaling. I've got all my work stuff in my, ever growing, A5 Lady Falcon Business. Making it effectively one book for personal and one book for work.


I'm still loving the way this works, although I must admit that my work TN is getting bigger all the time. I keep adding new sections to the notebook. With now 6 inserts in there and a folder with pen-loops, I think maybe it needs some reorganizing.

My Personal B6 slim however is still in it's original format, with a planner insert, a journaling insert and a folder.

and maybe a pocket here and there.

Photo 03-10-2017, 22 05 47

Here they are together, with my July, August, September diary on top. Which is now full and will be filed away.

Photo 03-10-2017, 22 06 27

I like doodling my way through the monthly pages, with here and there some things to remember.

Photo 03-10-2017, 22 07 23

Which in a way is what I also do in the weekly view, with a small list to the right side and keeping track of what we had for dinner. However I did make a change to the new diary this time.

Photo 03-10-2017, 22 07 35

Not directly to the monthly-weekly combination, but to the last pages in the diary. With 3 months in there, there's plenty of room to add a bullet journal in the back. which is what I used to do. Before I started using my A5 for work, this bullet journal section would fill up pretty quickly.

Photo 03-10-2017, 22 07 49

However it turns out that I'm now using my A5 more and more for bullet journaling and my personal bullet journal doesn't really fill up anymore.

I hate having empty pages in my booklets, so I thought I'd try something different. I added some future log pages for 2018 to the file, a dated budget tracking section followed by some extra pages for my bullet journal.

Photo 03-10-2017, 22 08 02

This way I still have room for my personal bullet journal pages, but I can also keep track of our expenses in the same diary and won't need an extra TN for that... You can find the file for this B6 slim diary in my Free Files folder. You can find the current link for that here.

Still making a mess as you can see, but I'm guessing that won't change, that's just me sitting on the couch chillin' and fussin' around with my planner. I doubt that I will ever plan or think out my lay-outs beforehand. I'm having too much fun doing it like this.

Photo 03-10-2017, 22 09 16

I did try another new thing with the current planner, fixed side tabs. Since I now have 3 extra sections in the planner, I thought it was nice to have tabs to the side, so I can flip to them quickly. I like how it looks, but I'm still a bit on the fence about them sticking out the way they do. We'll see how they fare.

As you can see, my work planner has all kinds of tabs sticking out as well. Those however are removable tabs and constantly get moved to the current page. They are quite plain, but they do the job and get me where I need to go fast.

I did make a note to do a blogpost on my work TN's setup with the timetracking insert and bullet journal and all work related stuff, however there won't be many pretty pictures, because that is pure and straightforward tracking, list-keeping and lots of fast writing, lol.

I also made the timetracking insert for a smaller size though, personal size, just to see if that was possible. I made it available as a freebee. If you would like to try it out these last 3 months of the year, feel free to download the file and please do let me know what you think of it.

So there we have it, another month has passed, we had a winner last week for the Instagram Fall Setup photo contest, our Fall Special is still running and we're all on track with our orders, I might even have time to join NaNoWriMo this coming November... who knows... I may need a new TN for that though... ;-)

Hope you're having a great time as well.

xoxo Monique


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Size Chart
Falcon Travelers, Hobos, Ringbound and insert sizes (per March, 2019)


Pencil / Pen Case sizes :

110-205 mm closed
268-345 mm open
Closes with metal snaps.

90-205 mm closed
228-345 mm open
Closes with metal snaps.

90-165 mm closed
228-305 mm open
Closes with metal snaps.



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